Hôtel Le Royal Luxembourg

Crédits : Redaction : Philippe Latil, Photos : Alfonso Salgueiro, James Stringer

Kirchberg, an open-air museum

In the European quarter, each institution or large company competes in architectural creativity and exhibits contemporary artworks.

A new neighbourhood in Luxembourg-Ville, Kirchberg plays host to a good number of European institutions and headquarters of large companies. And, in front of almost every building, a work by an international artist. Patronage here goes hand in hand with power...
The monumental Place de l’Europe in the centre of Kirchberg was designed by Ricardo Bofill. It is home to the majestic Philharmonie, a concert hall designed by Christian de Portzampac, the French architect responsible for the Cité de la Musique in Paris. Another high point is discovery of the MUDAM, signed Ieoh Ming Pei, the Sino-American architect famous for designing the Pyramid of the Louvre in Paris. 

Further on, the splendid towers of the European Court of Justice, designed by French architect Dominique Perrault, are a must. And if it were lower, we would readily sit on ‘‘The Chair’’, a work by artist Magdalena Jetelova. Also worth noting, the ‘‘Non-Violence’’ sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Reuterswärd in front of the European Commission building. Luxembourg architect Jean Petit and French architect Claude Vasconi also set their names to a gigantic glass and steel building, the Grand Duchy’s Chamber of Commerce. 

In Central Park, Marta Pan exhibits her works, such as a large concrete block painted green, the ‘‘KYOSK’’ by Polaris Architects. One can’t believe one’s eyes when discovering the futuristic Deutsche Bank headquarters designed by German architect Gottfried Böhm, set off by a sculpture by Markus Lüpertz, ‘‘Le Clitunno’’.  Not forgetting ‘‘La Grande Fleur qui marche’’ by Fernand Léger, the giant ‘‘Bird Cage’’ by Luxembourg artist Su-Mei and ‘‘The Exchange’’ by US artist Richard Serra, a huge 35-ton sculpture 20 metres high. And the trend is certainly not flagging. In August 2019, the MUDAM installed the ‘‘European Pentagon’’, an ephemeral public sauna, designed by artist Bert Theis!

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