Hôtel Le Royal Luxembourg

Crédits : Margaux Beguet. Translation: Jill Harry. Picture: RR

Étienne Plancher, assistant head concierge at Le Royal

Music has an important place in Luxembourg’s cultural heritage. Concierge at Le Royal hotel for 20 years, Étienne Plancher shares his secrets with music-lovers.
What links Luxembourg to music?

Luxembourg has always encouraged music. First with religious, then patriotic singing. Classical music is now important thanks to the Philharmonic Orchestra, though all types of music are on the agenda. Teaching over 140 disciplines, the National Conservatory maintains our musical richness.

Best addresses for music-lovers in Luxembourg?

It all depends on the kind of music you prefer. La Philharmonie is the favourite spot for classical music, while fans of rock prefer den Atelier. La Rockhal hosts large concerts, and the Abbaye de Neumünster stages various genres in a superb setting. Something to suit everyone's taste!

The absolute-must musical event?

One of the most unifying events is the Blues'n'Jazz Rallye, inaugurated almost 20 years ago. For three days each year in July, international musicians perform all over the city in a festive ambiance enjoyed by all.

How does Le Royal hotel celebrate this musical heritage?

The hotel offers a great musical programme all year round. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, it hosts the Live nights, afterwork sessions with a pianist or DJ. Every two months, it also welcomes singers and musicians for an evening of improvisation in its Jam Sessions. Real opportunities to admire the talent of local artists!

Welcome to the world of the Royal Luxembourg hotel

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