Hôtel Le Royal Luxembourg

Crédits : Margaux Beguet. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: RR

Exceptional Galicia veal

Constantly aiming for perfection, Executive Chef Paul Fourier highlights Galicia veal in several flagship recipes on the Amélys restaurant’s menu.

Raw materials

For Paul Fourier, relationships with suppliers are very important. ‘‘For me, human contact is primordial. I learn to know and build trust with my suppliers, who then know exactly what we seek and can propose high-quality products.’’ Among premium meats available, Galicia veal drew the Chef ’s attention. Bred in north-west Spain, the calves wander with their mothers on Galicia’s saline plains. Known as Spain’s Brittany, this lush, windy and rainy region offers prime conditions for quality cattle breeding. Fully grown cattle roam the pastures looking for herbs, clover, maritime plants: youngsters are raised on their mothers’ milk for at least 7 months. Giving tender meat, full of taste, aromas, the incomparable quality the Chef wants to highlight.

Excellence from ingredients to dishes

Cooking is an art with infinite possibilities, and one ingredient can inspire many recipes. The Amélys menu changes with the seasons, and Restaurant Chef Terry Chabeaux composes variations on his choice ingredient, Galicia veal.

First, as Tagliata accompanied by butter with fresh herbs. The meat is treated very simply to bring out all its gustatory qualities. Medium rare, cut in slices, neither thin nor too thick. Tender and delicate, it is served with a baked brioche and crisp, marinaded vegetables. Chimichurri sauce delicately spikes the dish for a bold, modern result.

To exalt Galicia veal more traditionally, the Chef takes inspiration from Italian cuisine. Vitello Tonnato blends freshness and subtlety, with the meat first cooked and chilled, then finely sliced. In Piedmontese style, it is served with delicate tuna sauce. A few capers spike the dish’s refined mountain/sea appeal.

Each dish is meticulously designed to achieve perfect balance. Paul Fourier insists: ‘‘When we compose a dish, each ingredient has a specific role. We do not add superfluous or decorative features that could blur the message. A well-executed dish with just a few ingredients of quality suffices in itself’’.

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